Community Transformation
through local partnership
If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people. Indian proverb
The Poorest of the Poor
Called to serve
People are hungry, not only for food, but are searching for a deeper meaning to life's purpose. They seek acceptance and belonging in a world where they feel they are worthess and invisible.
They need to have faith to know that there is renewed life and that opportunities await those who want a hope-filled future.
They are thirsty, not only for clean drinking water but also living water. They gain the education and skills they need to succeed so they can go from subsistence living to prosperous living.
Our educational programs and initiatives teach people skills they need to find jobs and start businesses. Our goal is to reach people with good news of encouragement and to increase economic prosperity for families and communities.
This will break the cycle of poverty for their family forever.
Be transformed by the renewing of the mind.
Scheduled Castes and Tribes
According to the 2011 Indian census, 17% of the population are "Untouchables/Dalits" that society has cast aside. Another 8% belong to primitive tribal groups. Many are uneducated and live off the land. Our programs teach them skills to earn a living.
Economically Empowering
By equipping people with education, literacy and social entrepreneurial skills, they are able to earn a livable wage and break the generational cycle of poverty for themselves and their families.
Literacy Skills
Socially Uplifting
Most adults in these areas lack education and skills. When people become literate they understand their rights and can make lasting wise decisions. This fosters a sense of pride, confidence in their abilities, dignity and self-worth.
Hope for Future
Developing Communities
Our two-year program equips local leaders to:
- Develop enterprising solutions that address local needs
- Provide literacy training and math skills to help others launch businesses
- Share their wisdom so people can prosper and live an abundant life
For about $7 a day, you can provide training for a Community Leader that brings others hope for tomorrow.